Have you ever wondered what a potato with a cat’s face on it would look like? Me neither, but it won’t stop Galina Bugaevskaya from showing it to us. She is living proof of our unconditional love for cats, not just because every pic she creates is a fantastic piece of art, but also her mutated cats made it to a Japanese TV channel, which says a lot. You know you’ve made something big when your memes are featured on Japanese TV.
Galina is a 30-year-old digital artist from Moscow. By day Galina’s just a regular girl who loves traveling, reading books, and watching movies, but when the darkness comes, she turns into a creative demon fueled by her love of cats and everything random.
She’s always loved working in Photoshop, making funny pictures of her friends, but one time Galina remembered an old adage that cats are one of the pillars of the Internet, so she tried to play with that idea. After a few trials and errors, she posted several pictures of various objects and animals with cat faces seamlessly plastered on them. Those abominations soon went viral, and her account went from 600+ to tens of thousands of followers, and after less than a year, it’s at 148k.
According to Galina, now it is more of a hobby for her, aimed to amuse the Internet people as well as get better at the craft. But people often ask her to create mashups with their pets, so it would be really silly of her not to get involved and miss out on this opportunity to get a few extra dollars. Especially since her commissions are dirt-cheap (only 5 USD)!
It must feel amazing to receive positive responses from all over the world. If Galina’s work made you laugh or even smile, be sure to follow her on Instagram, and maybe commission her to create a custom “catbomination” just for you.
But for now, let’s take a look at some of her wildest creations.
1. The cutest little hedgecat.

2. What if Grogu was a kitten?

3. Don’t tell me you can’t feel the warmth coming from this picture!

4. Ewoks are much cuter with kitty faces.

5. I love me some catfee in the morning.

6. Why is this cat-fish so funny? Maybe because it’s a clownfish!

7. This chick-kitten is illegally adorable. Would definitely give it big hugs.

8. A squirrel is quite lovable on its own, but if you cross it with a cat, that’s going to be too much chaotic energy.

9. Even if you don’t like bumblebees, rest assured, this bumble-cat won’t sting you.

10. And of course, the best of them all — potato-catto! I wonder how it tastes?