Grumpy Cat was a unique kitty, and no one will ever replace her, but the Internet wants what it wants! It seems like we have a new sheriff in Grumptown — Meow-Meow. This perpetually angry-looking kitty lives in Taiwan and is already trying to claim the title of the gloomiest cat on the planet.
Meow-Meow was picked up from a shelter, where he was left by the previous owner. The little fluffball was only ten months old! Some people are just heartless dirtbags. But it’s all in the past. Today, according to the cat’s new owner, Meow-Meow is as elegant and graceful as any kitty, though its face may let you believe he hates the entire world.

Meow-Meow is still a rookie on Instagram. With only 6k followers, he’s got a long journey before him. Out of all the contenders, he’s the most likely to succeed, and we’ll finally be able to replenish our collection of popular cat memes!

Like every cat, grumpy of otherwise, his favorite hobby is watching the birds and chasing the Red Dot. Then it’s nap time. After a short rest, Meow-Meow usually demands a hearty meal, as cats tend to do. He will only eat certain ingredients and ignore everything else. Nobody likes a picky eater, but we still love him!

Best of luck to Meow-Meow and his owner!