Site stats 20 Most Outstanding Cosplays You’ve Ever Seen… Probably – Brain Berries

20 Most Outstanding Cosplays You’ve Ever Seen… Probably


People have wanted to be someone or something else since the dawn of time. Think of all the ancient masks and ceremonial garbs that were supposed to make us look like gods, monsters, or whatever else. And with the fairly recent (in the grand scheme of things) boom of multimedia, more and more people appreciating good stories and fun characters, it not surprising that cosplay has become so huge. It’s not quite the “Olympics” level of popularity, but it’s getting there. More and more geeks all over the world are tired of being mere spectators, taking the cosplay to a whole different level.

Enough talk, here are 20 most creative cosplays you’ve ever seen (probably). And remember, this is only the beginning!

1. One of the best “last minute” cosplay ideas – “A Che Guevara t-shirt”. Although, you need a face for this one.

2. 1 Spartan, 2 Spartans, 3 Spartans…. Not quite 300, but I’ll allow it!

3. One of the most authentic cosplays of all time – the fat World of Warcraft nerd from South Park.

4. Prince Leia has the best buns.

5. Oh look, it’s the entire staff of Hogwarts!

6. Yup, that’s Homer Simpson. Neat, huh?

7. It’s frowned upon to make fun of dudes wearing dresses, but… how can you not? At least they put some effort into their costumes.

8. The cutest Master Yoda in the whole galaxy!

9. Whoever thought of cosplaying the Firefox browser is a freaking genius.

10. Not quite The Pope, but it’s almost perfect.

11. The most depressing Pokemon of them all – Cubone. I don’t think this kid’s parents know what Cubone’s backstory is.

12. Real squad goals: cosplay a crate of beer!

13. It’s a bit too tall for the Rocket Raccoon, but the furries seem to love it!

14. What life choices would you need to make to start cosplaying an avocado?

15. Masha and the Bear? More like Ivan and the Doggo!

16. The Headless Horseman is here to claim your soul… and all your doggy treats!

17. Not sure if a homeless bum, or a Van Gogh cosplayer…

18. How it should have ended: Batman vs. Superman

19. You literally can’t talk behind Voldemort’s back.

20. Peter Pan and his shadow, or it could be Link and Shadow Link, if you squint really hard.