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7 Best Countries For Female Solo Travelers | Brain Berries

7 Best Countries For Female Solo Travelers

Solo travel is the best kind of travel. You get to plan the trip exactly the way you want it, you get to do what you want, stay where you want? Eat at the places that you like, choose the activities you want to try, and the cherry on top is that you don’t have to feel any guilt or take anyone’s opinion or interest into consideration.

10 Countries that Have the Most Fun! | Brain Berries

10 Countries that Have the Most Fun!

We all want to experience joy and have fun as often as possible. Not all of us have the opportunity to really make that happen, though. Sometimes it’s a personal thing, sometimes it’s a lack of friends who share your interests, but you have to admit — sometimes it’s the environment you’re in! I’m not saying that moving to another country is going to change your life and make you have more fun. What I’m about to do is just share a list of the 10 countries where people have the most fun!

Top 10 Nations that are Most Difficult to Invade | Brain Berries

Top 10 Nations that are Most Difficult to Invade

At one point or another, we’ve all entertained the thought of what it would be like if we ruled over the entire world.And we all realize that getting to the position of “ruler of the world” would likely require military force…

8 Drunkest Countries In The World

Thanks to science, we can actually measure how drunk each country is, on average. We just take the liters of alcohol each inhabitant consumes per year. Also, we are talking about pure alcohol here – not “liters of alcoholic drinks”.

The Oldest Monarchies in The World

Some countries – mostly in Europe – still swear by a monarchy, so let’s take a look at some countries that have held true to that form of government for the longest time.