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9 Best 90’s Movies

And while a touch of the macabre isn’t for everyone, that decade did produce some of the best movies we’ve ever seen.

The Best Geek Movies of All Time

With geeks becoming more and more popular, some movies in recent and not-so-recent history have been far more widely accepted to watch. Where some might have been too futuristic or unrealistic at the time they were released, we’ve now broadened our horizons and accepted that the potential for the future is, in fact, limitless.

8 Times Movies Predicted the Future

Do science-fiction films predict the development of technology? Sometimes it seems like screenwriters and directors have a way to gaze into the future of mankind. Or is it just their unchained imagination at work here?

7 Disappointing Movies of 2019

2019 has been a pretty good year for movies and cinema overall, but still there’s been a few movies that have somehow missed the mark. Maybe they didn’t live up to the hype or they were simply written badly, there’s plenty of reasons for movies to tank at the box office or with the critics.

Top 7 Adrenaline-Pumping Action Movies That Surprised Us All

You may not be an action movie fan, but you still watch them sometimes. Some are good and exciting start-to-finish, others lose you somewhere along the way, and you can’t figure out what the hell you’re watching anymore. They’re definitely a “hit-or-miss” for most movie-goers.

9 Best Movie Robots of All Time

If we asked you to name the best robot in movies you would think it would be an easy task right? But when you actually start to think about it there are many many great robots in movies. Nearly every great sci-fi movie has a robot in it, most are truly awesome too.