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7 Real-Life Humans That Would Put DC and Marvel Mutants to Shame!


In almost all superhero stories, genetic mutations are responsible for their unusual abilities. But most of us don’t have a single clue how many people with unusual abilities, ripped straight from the pages of comics, exist out there. Sure, maybe they can’t control the wind and don’t shoot lasers from their ears, but their superpowers are certainly worthy of our attention.

1. People who don’t feel pain

Throughout its existence, humanity has been looking for ways to deal with pain by inventing drugs and other means. But there are gifted individuals among us who do not need any sedatives because they never feel pain. At first, this mutation may seem like a superpower everyone would want, but in fact, feeling pain is vital. People with such disabilities often injure or maim themselves without realizing it.

2. Superboy Liam

Not so long ago, a very unusual child was born in the USA. Liam Hoekstra from Grand Rapids was born with a lack of myostatin, which means that it is easier for his body to produce muscle tissue. By the time he was eight months, he could already do pull-ups. There are not many examples of such mutations known in the whole world. So far, doctors and scientists cannot tell for certain what caused such phenomena.

3. Megamind

There was a man in Utah whose mental capacities exceeded anything we’ve ever seen before. Regular guy Kim Peek was born with a brain defect. He wasn’t good at even the most basic tasks, and it was very difficult for him to interact with other people since he could only understand the simplest human speech. Despite that, Kim could read two pages of the book simultaneously and never forgot anything of what he read. He remembered every word of Shakespeare’s numerous plays and corrected the actors if they were wrong. During his life, Peek managed to read 12,000 books and was a walking Wikipedia. His mental abilities were so fascinating that they even made a movie about him called “Rain Man.”