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9 Things that Guys Fear the Most

We guys might leave the impression that we are strong, confident and even invincible, but when it comes down to it, we’re just as fearful as kittens when it comes to some matters. In fact, whether it’s relationships, work, or animals, we can be downright cowards. But we aren’t apologizing for it because we’re only human. With that in mind, here’s a look at the 10 things that scare men the most.

Who Are the Birds of Prey, Exactly? A Guide to Harley Quinn’s Team

The DC movie universe just can’t seem to keep up with its main competitor – Marvel Studios. There are some truly amazing movies on their side, like Wonder Woman, Joker, and Shazam, but their most recent film about Harley Quinn and the Birds of Prey has become quite controversial. It’s DC’s first movie about a team, entirely consisting of female heroines. The problem is that most of the movie-goers have no idea who the Huntress or Black Canary is.

Check Out the Obamas’ New Digs

Being the president of the United States is one of the worst jobs imaginable, right up there with Assistant Crack Dealer. But being a former president is a pretty sweet gig.

8 надихаючих книг, які здатні змінити життя

Протягом сотень років книги були ексклюзивним джерелом інформації, ідей та натхнення. Звичайно, протягом останніх десятиліть їх позиції потіснив онлайн-контент у різноманітних формах. Але і зараз, коли ми потребуємо знань та енергії для великих кроків, саме книги можуть стати нам у пригоді. Будьте обережні! Читання цих книг може призвести до безповоротних змін у вашому житті!

9 Strange Things That People Actually Eat

People have an appetite for all sorts of things that could scientifically be classified as “yucky.” But keep an open mind because once the world runs out of chicken nuggets and Cheetos, we might not have any choice but to subsist on the strange foods on this list.

The 8 Biggest Infectious Disease Outbreaks Of The Last Decade

We don’t live in an ideal world. In fact, there’s a new pandemic called the nCoV-2019 in China and the past decade was full of horrible disease outbreaks that infected hundreds of thousands of people and killed many of them too. Let’s take a look at 8 biggest infectious disease outbreaks of the last decade and learn a little about how to identify them and how to protect ourselves from them.

6 Reasons Why Eyebrows Are The Most Important Woman’s Facial Feature

Eyebrows are everything these days. For the past decade, most of us have been trying to grow them out after years of torturing them and over-plucking in the 90s. But even those who were lucky enough to avoid that mistake back in the day or were just simply too young to live through that still obsess over the fullness of our eyebrows.

8 Superfoods That Can Help You With Hair Loss

If you want to prevent becoming a huge skull-shaped reflector panel, you might want to give these superfoods a try. They may or may not work, but I doubt anyone would dare risk it anyway. This is your hair we’re talking about.

The 7 Oldest Known Writings Ever Discovered

Archeologists estimate that humans began using cave drawings to communicate events in their lives as early as 40,000 years ago, a true system of writing didn’t emerge until around 3500 BC when civilizations in and around Mesopotamia began to develop one. More than 5,000 years later, plenty of clay tablets still survive as the oldest verified evidence of a writing system. While the Tărtăria tablets – uncovered in 1961 in a Romanian village – date back to 5500 BC, contain something that appears to be script, there has been no confirmation that it’s an organized style of writing.