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15 Geekiest “Ugly” Christmas Sweaters of 2016

2016 was a great year for us geeks, with all movies, TV shows, and video games. Naturally, you can get t-shirts, and hoodies, and whatnot, with your favorite characters, and quotes, but nothing says “I’m a big /insert fandom/ fan” than a so-called “ugly Christmas sweater”. Whether you want to get one for yourself or for a friend, these knitted masterpieces make for a great holiday gift. So, here are 15 geekiest ugly Christmas sweaters of 2016!

9 Most Amazing Mannequin Challenges (So Far)

Seems like the Internet is all about random challenges these days. And this recent fad is no exception. A lot of videos, showing people seemingly frozen in time, have literally been appearing everywhere – on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or whatever video sharing platform you’re using. That’s the so-called Mannequin Challenge, for those of you who didn’t put two and two together. It’s basically what it sounds like: people do a “freeze frame” in the middle of an action and the camera guy/girl films their poses. Nothing too complicated, right? But the people have been going bonkers trying to outdo one another! While some videos may look a bit creepy (it is the Internet after all), some are pretty funny, and then there these nine masterpieces. Just sit back and enjoy!

30 Worst Fashion Fails Ever

Ever had a “bad day” when you forgot to zip your fly, or maybe your heel broke off? Well, don’t sweat it, people had way more awful misadventures. Even worse than that, they had the audacity to do it intentionally and even call it “fashion”.
Here are 30 most ridiculous fashion fails on the planet!

15 Poor Animals That Had Too Much To Drink Last Night

Animals aren’t that different from humans. Have you seen those faces cats make when they look at you and those hilarious poses dogs sometimes recreate? They are just like us! They may not drink like we do, but they surely do sometimes look like they’re experiencing the worst hangover ever. Here are 15 poor souls that shouldn’t have drunk so much last night.

26 Phenomenal Makeup Transformations

We have something for you. Just a few wacky ideas, to make you look at least somewhat like your favourite celebrity.
Let’s get to the point! Here are over 30 ideas for a phenomenal makeup transformations. Enjoy!

30+ Hilarious Office Pranks

Sometimes office workers get a bit bored, and what do you do when you’re bored out of your mind? You spice things up, by pranking your beloved coworkers! You can also try pranking your boss, of course, but it does not always end well for the daredevils.
Let’s see these 30+ creative ideas that will help you mess with your office coworkers!

Cheap Cosplay Ideas from a Taiwanese Genius

The Halloween craziness is over, but that doesn’t mean you can’t dress up and cosplay some of your favorite characters, right? You can spent countless hours and even days, working on a perfect costume, or… you can try doing some low-cost cosplay, just like this Taiwanese dude.
He uses everything his hand can reach, adds some creative vision, and about 5-10 minutes to glue everything together if needed. And, voila!
Enjoy getting your mind blown, dear readers!

Amazing Make-Up Transformations

Let’s take a look at some amazing make-up transformations that might inspire you for the holidays, but don’t forget girls – you can’t put make-up on a lacking personality. Also I have no idea how to do any of this so you’ll have to figure it out for yourself. I don’t make the rules.

This Hawk Photoshop Battle is Epic

Clint Ralph, an animal enthusiast, was visiting South Africa when he was looking for bearded vultures to photograph. As he spotted a jackal hawk moving towards his latest meal, he turned his lens towards it. Enter a random picture of a badass hawk being a badass. That’s when the Internet, in all its infinite glory and creativity, started Photoshopping the living hell out of this hawk.
Let’s take a look at the best entries of the Battle of the Badass Hawk.

Cristiano Ronaldo Is The Best Photoshop Model Ever

Of course the best thing to do with a vain football player that acts like a sassy model, is turn him into a model. A Photoshop model, that is. It might not be a real job, but today it’s his job. Take Ronaldo in a weird pose, add random shit to it and hilarity is bound to ensue. Let’s take a look at some of the best ones – it’s gonna get Messi!

Beware of the Dog! (15 Pics)

What if your dog is so nice, it’s the worst burglary repellant in the world? I mean, society demands you put up the “beware of the dog” sign, but not all dogs deserve that moniker.

12 Funniest Spanglish Memes

Have you ever been in a situation where you begin a sentence in English y termino en español? Congratulations, you probably speak fluent Spanglish! Must be hard for your friends and family to understand you properly, when you switch back-and-forth between English and Spanish, but you still love doing it anyway, because it’s fun, and it’s how our brains are wired when we know multiple languages.
Now let’s check out 12 memes every Spanglish speaker will definitely relate to.

15 Disturbing Inanimate Objects Staring at You

Ever had a feeling like someone’s watching you? Well, you might be less crazy than you think! And the saying “walls have ears” is a bit more literal too. They also have eyes and mouths if you really look closely. Not only walls, though! Lots of stuff around you may resemble funny, angry, or creepy faces, and when you see them…Ever had a feeling like someone’s watching you? Well, you might be less crazy than you think! And the saying “walls have ears” is a bit more literal too. They also have eyes and mouths if you really look closely. Not only walls, though! Lots of stuff around you may resemble funny, angry, or creepy faces, and when you see them…

You Had One Job! (33 Pictures)

You’ve probably experienced this a bunch of times yourself, when you were distracted at work or got so lazy you couldn’t give a crap. Your brain just goes into an autopilot mode, the hands begin to do their thing, and stuff just happens on its own. There are people, however, who, and I’m just thinking out loud here, do it on purpose. So here are some of each kind. You decide which one’s which.

Things We’ll Miss The Most About Obama

Since his term is slowly but surely coming to a close, let’s take a look at some of the best moments of eight years Obama has graced us with his presence in international politics.